Over 200 local and national businesses sign letter in opposition to discriminatory legislation to prohibit transgender students from participating in scholastic sports
(Phoenix, AZ) – Business opposition to HB2706 continues to grow. Currently, over 200 local and national businesses have signed onto a letter in opposition to the discriminatory legislation that would prohibit transgender students from participating in scholastic sports. Led by ONE Community, a coalition of socially responsible businesses, organizations and individuals who are moving diversity, inclusion and equality forward for all Arizonans, the letter includes diverse signers from local businesses, associations, and large corporations such as the Arizona School Boards Association, the Arizona Diamondbacks and PayPal.
Letter and signers below:
Arizona is a great place to visit, to do business, and to call home.
The people who visit our state - more than 55 million in 2018 - come to enjoy our natural beauty, our vibrant cities, our incredible athletics events and facilities, and our welcoming people.
The businesses that set up shop and make investments here - and those who are considering locating in Arizona - are drawn to Arizona because they know we’re open for business, we’re open for opportunity, we have a strong talent pipeline, and we are welcoming to everyone.
That’s why we’re concerned about the advancement of bill HB2706, a measure that would needlessly target transgender youth who deserve - like all children - to enjoy the health, social, and developmental benefits that participation in youth sports offers.
By advancing this bill, Arizona would send a message to the world about who is welcome here. The pursuit of divisive policies that are not based on evidence or need puts our collective economic success at risk. This bill would create a dangerous situation for Arizona’s kids, and put our team members who have LGBTQ children in a terrible position, causing them to worry about their kids’ safety, wellbeing, and inclusion at school and in the community.
What’s more, legislation implementing discriminatory policies toward LGBTQ student athletes could limit our ability to attract major sporting events. Sponsoring organizations carefully consider a host state’s record on inclusivity and respect for LGBTQ athletes and fans when selecting venues. The WP Carey School of Business estimated the NCAA Final Four held in Glendale in 2017 generated $324.5 million throughout Phoenix and cities across the Valley. If Arizona were to lose the Final Four or other events due to passage of discriminatory legislation, the ripple effects on our economy would be devastating.
We’ve been here before - facing questions about whether our state is welcoming to the LGBTQ community. We came through that moment together, and we are stronger for it.
We ask that lawmakers not pursue any legislation that would target LGBTQ Arizonans, including legislation to exclude LGBTQ youth from sports. These divisive measures would harm Arizona and create unnecessary hurdles to economic competitiveness. We must remain committed to the values of innovation, growth, and a warm welcome that we all share.
6Stride LLC
A&P Global Goods
Accurate Signs & Engraving Inc.
Addiction Haven
Adams, Habern & Gray, CPAs, PLLC
Aligned at Work
American Airlines
Apple Promotional Products
Aris Hospitality
Arizona Adverse Childhood Experiences Consortium
Arizona Broadway Theatre
Arizona Community Foundation
Arizona Diamondbacks
Arizona Grantmakers Forum
Arizona Lodging & Tourism Association
Arizona School Boards Association
Arizona School for the Arts
Arizona Theatre Company
Art Like Mad PLLC
AZ Synergy Counseling, LLC
B-ON The Obvious, Inc
Beatitudes Campus
Beauty by Bug
Bella Casa Realty
Big Zephyr Music
Black Point Ventures LLC
Borderlands Brewing Company
Brelby Theatre Company
Brodin HR Law
Bryant Commercial Real Estate
Business Ventures Global, LLC
Canyon Records
Carter Law Firm
CASCO Financial
Castle & Castle PLLC
Champion PR + Consulting
Changing Hands Bookstore
Chateau Luxe Banquet Center
Children’s Museum of Phoenix
Church of the Beatitudes
City Square United Methodist Church
Classic Cuisine Inc.
Common Good Web Design
Community Tire Pros & Auto Repair
Compass CBS
Compete Sports Diversity
Concilio Latino de Salud, Inc.
Creative Trespassing
Creative Vistas Media
Cultivate Counseling
Dawning Public Relations
Dayspring United Methodist Church
Dennis Kavanaugh PC
Desert Botanical Garden
Desert Palm, UCC
Desert Vista Consulting, LLC
Design One International
Diamond Strategies, LLC.
Dion Initiative for Child Well-Being and Bullying Prevention
Doubletree Resort by Hilton Paradise Valley-Scottsdale
Downtown Phoenix Inc.
Echo Magazine
Endless Events
Episcopal Church of St. Matthew
Experience Scottsdale
First Church United Church of Christ - Phoenix
First Draft Book Bar
Flower Works LLC
Frey Design
Friends of the Orpheum Theatre
Frontdoors Media
Full Moon Festival Phx
Gateway Bank
Gellert Health
Gemini of Chicago Hair Salon
Geneva Financial, LLC
Glendale Chamber of Commerce
Glendale Mission & Ministry Center
GLSEN Phoenix
Gold Canyon Financial Planning, LLC
Goodman's Interior Structures
Gracie's Tax Bar
Granite Peak Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Greater Phoenix Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce
Groff-Swint Media LLC
Habitat Metro
Hair by Joshua Paul
Handyman Xtreme LLC
Harder Development
Healthy Synergy, LLC
Herberger Theater Center
Hilton Scottsdale Resort & Villas
High Note Healing, LLC
Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association International - Arizona Chapter
Howard Kelly Concepts LLC
HR Answers LLC
Huss Brewing Company
InMedia Company
Inspired Connections
Janson Literary Services, Inc.
J. Nunez Designs
Joan Bundy Law PLC
JP Retail Management Inc
Justin McKay + Co
KEO Marketing
Kevin Caron Studios, L.L.C.
Laboratory5 Inc.
Las Colinas Condominium Owners' Assoc., Inc.
Law Office of Wendy Anderson PLLC
Linda Denise Coaching
Living Christ Lutheran Church
Livingthequestions.com, LLC
Local First Arizona
Local First Arizona Foundation
MADE art boutique
Mahogany Xan Communications
Many to ONE
Mario E Diaz & Associates
Mark's Bookmark Bookseller
Matter Accounting & Bookkeeping LLC
McGuire Real Estate Partners
Melanin Magic Foundation
Meridian Educational Consulting
MF Koffee
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
Mountain Park Health Center
MPI Arizona Sunbelt Chapter
MTM Concepts LLC
MXD Arts
Narwhal Stories
National Council of Jewish Women Arizona
New Carpa Theater Co
NFM Enterprises, Inc
Noble Beast, Natural Pet Supplies
Nunez Law Firm
Nunusaku Ethnofilm
Occam Sustainability Partners
Oggi's Sports Brewhouse Pizza
OH Partners
OH Strategic Communications
ON Media
ONE Community
ONE Community Foundation
One Creative View, LLC
Only Human
Opus Funding & Investments, LLC
Papa Ed’s Ice Cream
Peace and Justice Network, Presbytery of the Grand Canyon
Pedego Glendale
Perry Consulting LLC
Phoenix Center for the Arts
Phoenix Community Alliance
Pivot Produce
Planned Parenthood of Arizona
Power Window Repair
Pura Cosmetica
Prism Counseling LLC
Project Arizona
Protecting Arizona's Family Coalition
Q Counseling Services, Inc.
Quack Car Wash
Quinn Medicine Woman LLC
Realty One Group
Ride The Wave Travel & Cruises, LLC
Rising Star MUA
Rites O'Passage
RNB Flooring Inc
Robert D. Lancaster MD PC
Rollover Doughnuts
Row House Hilton Village
Schuster Print and Marketing
Scuter's Divetastic Adventures
Shaneland Arts
Shanti Yoga Phoenix
Short Leash Hotdogs
Slake Consulting
Solomon's Porch
Southwest Center for HIV
Southern Arizona Gender Alliance
Splash Media Group
Spinners on the Green
Steele & Davis PC
Stoney Creek Productions
Stonewall Institute Treatment Center
Storm Wisdom, LLC
Summit Alliance Solutions, LLC
Sunbelt Holdings
Sun Tree Healing Arts
Teamworks Communication
Tempe Tourism
The Convergent Christian Communion
The Halpin Companies Inc
The Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Phoenix
The Lunsford Group, LLC
The Office of Kate Gallego
The Terraces of Phoenix
The Tidy Bungalow
The Van Buren Phoenix
The Velvet Buttercream
The Wheel Shop
Third Perspective
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
Tucson Hop Shop
Tuft & Needle
Tyler Allen Law Firm
Uncle Bear's Brewery
University Presbyterian Church
Upward Projects
Urias Communications
Urman Investments
Vantage Financial
VH Included
Valle del Sol
Valley Bar
Venue Projects
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Visit Phoenix
YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix
Walter Station Brewery
Wave Productivity
West USA
World’s Best Connectors LLC